The Fillmore Street Chapel is part of the Midtown Corinth Historical District. The district was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in December 1993. The Chapel committee has recently purchased a bronze plaque for the front of the chapel which indicates this designation.
National Register listing is primarily an honorary designation. The National Register of Historic Places is a list of buildings, structures, sites, objects, and districts that are worthy of preservation. The program is designed to identify, recognize, and to some degree, protect significant historic resources.
The National Register identifies and evaluates significant properties according to their criteria and makes the public aware of these resources by documenting their importance to the heritage of the community—as tourist attractions, for example. The program provides information about historic resources that can be used as a planning tool for renovation or rehabilitation advising about authenticity and historic integrity, expedite the review of federal undertakings that might affect historic resources and attempt to mitigate adverse effects on the properties, and make owners of historic properties eligible for grant funds, tax incentives, and tax credits.*
Listing on the National Register does not restrict the rights of property owners, nor does it prevent destruction of historic properties. There is no requirement that historic properties be maintained, repaired, or restored, or require that they be open to the public. The owners are not required to seek prior approval to alter the building. The listing does not provide markers for the property; owners must purchase these if desired. The listing does not automatically facilitate other designations by state or local commissions, and does not assure that owners of historic properties receive grants, low-interest loans, or tax benefits.*
The building is designated on the Register as “Fillmore Street Cumberland Presbyterian” and is the oldest church building in Corinth, dating from 1871. It became the property of FUMC in 1976 and joins an impressive list of other properties in the county on the Register. Among these are the Coliseum Theatre, the Veranda/Curlee House, Jacinto Courthouse, Fort Robinette, the Alcorn County Courthouse, the Corinth Depot, and a number of commercial buildings and private residences.
* Does not apply to the Chapel, because church-owned properties are not eligible for government funds.

Fillmore Street Chapel